New features and changes

This section describes the new features and changes introduced in the 12.1.3 version of Unica Platform.

Upgrade Paths

Unica Platform supports the following upgrade paths:

  • 12.1.x → 12.1.3
  • 12.1.0.x → 12.1.3

Customers on versions earlier than 8.6.x must:

  • perform a Fast Upgrade from existing version to version 8.6.0 (for more information, see HCL Unica 8.6.0 Fast Upgrade Guide).
  • perform a Fast Upgrade from version 8.6.0 to version 12.1.0 (for more information, see HCL Unica 12.1.0 Fast Upgrade Guide).
  • perform an in-place upgrade from version 12.1.0 to version 12.1.3.

Customers on versions earlier than 11.1.x.x can:

  • perform a Fast Upgrade from existing version to version 12.1.0 (for more information, see HCL Unica 12.1.0 Fast Upgrade Guide).
  • perform an in-place upgrade from version 12.1.0 to version 12.1.3.

Customers on versions 11.1.x.x/12.0.x.x can use one of the following options for upgrade:

  • Option 1
    • perform an in-place upgrade from existing version to version 12.1.0.
    • perform an in-place upgrade from version 12.1.0 to version 12.1.3.
  • Option 2
    • perform a Fast Upgrade from existing version to version 12.1.0 (for more information, see HCL Unica 12.1.0 Fast Upgrade Guide).
    • perform an in-place upgrade from version 12.1.0 to verison 12.1.3.

Log4j Security vulnerability fixes

Unica v12.1.3 now uses log4j v2.17.1. This version addresses the critical vulnerabilities identified in log4j. It includes the security fixes mentioned in the following Unica Knowledgebase article:

For more details related to the fixes in log4j 2.17.1, see

Support for new license entitlement-Platform Lite Users

We have introduced field Type on Users page to distinguish user as Full or Lite type. We will be utilizing Unique_Platform_Users feature/entitlement for tracking usage of Full users and Unique_Platform_Lite_Users to track usage of Lite users in application.

Support for multiple license entitlements/feature of same product

With this feature, we can have multiple license entitlement for same product. Active entitlements will be used one by one to track usage of corresponding product.

Newly supported platform

The support for the following platform is added.
  • Weblogic version