New features and changes

This section describes the new features and changes introduced in the 12.1.1 version of Unica Platform.

Upgrade paths

Unica Platform supports the following upgrade paths:
  • 12.1.x → 12.1.1
  • 12.1.0.x → 12.1.1
Customers on versions earlier than 8.6.x must:
  • perform a Fast Upgrade from existing version to version 8.6.0 (for more information, see HCL Unica 8.6.0 Fast Upgrade Guide).
  • perform a Fast Upgrade from version 8.6.0 to version 12.1.0 (for more information, see HCL Unica 12.1.0 Fast Upgrade Guide).
  • perform an in-place upgrade from version 12.1.0 to version 12.1.1.
Customers on versions earlier than 11.1.x.x can:
  • perform a Fast Upgrade from existing version to version 12.1.0 (for more information, see HCL Unica 12.1.0 Fast Upgrade Guide).
  • perform an in-place upgrade from version 12.1.0 to version 12.1.1.

Customers on versions 11.1.x.x/12.0.x.x can use one of the following options for upgrade:

  • Option 1
    • perform an in-place upgrade from existing version to version 12.1.0.
    • perform an in-place upgrade from version 12.1.0 to version 12.1.1.
  • Option 2
    • perform a Fast Upgrade from existing version to version 12.1.0 (for more information, see HCL Unica 12.1.0 Fast Upgrade Guide).
    • perform an in-place upgrade from version 12.1.0 to verison 12.1.1.

License usage report

The License usage report will contain column name "Platform users" instead of old name "Platform".

New BI tool Google Looker

Unica can be integrated with BI tool Google Looker. Open Insights menu provides access to folder based reports, which are present in Google Looker. User with reportsSystem or reportsUser role can view this new menu to access Google Looker dashboards inside Unica.

Platform APIs

Platform APIs can be authenticated by third party systems using basic authentication or bearer token mechanism. Additional API configuration properties are added in each API configuration.

Newly supported platforms

The support for the following platforms is added.
  • WAS
  • RHEL 8.0
  • SQL Server 2019
  • MariaDB 10.5.9
  • Tomcat

Browser support

The browser support for Edge is added.