Creating the XML to specify data filters

Create the XML file that specifies the customer data used as criteria in each data filter. In the next step you will run a utility that populates the system tables with these specifications.

About this task

To create the data filters, the datafilteringScriptTool utility uses an XML representation of the data to insert entries into the Unica Platform system table database.

Here is an overview of the elements in the XML that you create.

  • <Execute Batch> - Command that initiates the data insertion process. This is repeated several times within the XML.
  • <AddDataConfiguration> - Defines the data configurations, which are groups of related data filters.
  • <AddLogicalFields> - Defines the fields on which to filter, and the data type of the fields.
  • <AddDataFilter> - When you use manual specification, references a defined logical field, and specifies the field constraints.
  • <GenerateDataFilters> - When you use automatic specification, references the fields and the values that limit the records considered for unique combinations of values used to define a set of data filters.
  • <AddDataTable> - Defines the relationship between logical fields and their physical tables and columns. One logical field can apply to different physical tables, which allows one filter to apply to several tables.
  • <addAudiences> - References a defined logical field, and specifies the audience level as defined in Unica Campaign.
  • <addAudienceTableAssociations> - Defines the relationship between an audience level and the defined table and the defined data filter configuration.
  • <AddAssignments> - When you create assignments within the XML rather than using the user interface, associates individual users or groups of users with defined data filters.

For additional information, including descriptions of additional elements that are nested within the elements described above, see these topics in this chapter:

  • The detailed descriptions of each element in the XML
  • The XML provided in the example scenarios