Configuring which audit events appear in the report

To specify the audit events that are available in the audit report and their severity, you set properties on the Settings > Configuration page.


  1. Go to the Settings > Configuration page and expand the Unica Platform | Audit Events | Audit Events Configuration category.
  2. Select the events that you want to track.

    The tracked events are available for inclusion in the audit report.

  3. Expand the Unica Platform | Audit Events | Audit events severity configuration category and click Edit settings.
  4. Specify the severity level that you want to assign to each of the tracked events.

    Select from the following options.

    • No severity
    • Informational
    • Warning
    • Critical

    The specified severity appears in the audit report, and can be used in filtering the report.

What to do next

If you want to track the user session event Record login and logout events for members of the HighSeverityAccounts group, add the users whose login and logout events you want to track to the highSeverityAccounts group. You do this on the Settings > User groups page.

This group is created automatically in the default partition during installation. In a multi-partition environment, this group is created automatically when you create a new partition using the Unica Platform partitionTool utility.