Uninstalling Unica Platform

Run the Unica Platform uninstaller to uninstall Unica Platform. When you run the uninstaller, the files that were created during the installation process are removed. For example, files such as configuration files, installer registry information, and user data are removed from the computer.

About this task

When you install Unica products, an uninstaller is included in the Uninstall_Product directory, where Product is the name of your product. On Windows, an entry is also added to the Add or Remove Programs list in the Control Panel.

If you manually remove the files in your installation directory instead of running the uninstaller, the result might be an incomplete installation if you later reinstall an product in the same location. After uninstalling a product, its database is not removed. The uninstaller only removes default files that are created during installation. Any file that is created or generated after installation is not removed.

Note: On UNIX, the same user account that installed Unica Campaign must run the uninstaller.


  1. If you have deployed the Unica Platform web application, undeploy the web application from WebSphere® or WebLogic.
  2. Shut down WebSphere or WebLogic.
  3. Stop the processes that are related to Unica Platform.
  4. If the ddl directory exists in the product installation directory, run the scripts that are provided in the ddl directory to drop tables from the system table database.
  5. Make sure that the IBM SPSS® Modeler Collaboration and Deployment Service (C&DS) is uninstalled.

    Open the Installation Manager and verify that C&DS is uninstalled. If C&DS is not uninstalled, use the Installation Manager to uninstall C&DS.

  6. Complete one of the following steps to uninstall Unica Platform:
    • Click the Unica Platform uninstaller that exists in the Uninstall_Product directory. The uninstaller runs in the mode in which you installed Unica Platform.
    • In a command-line window, navigate to the directory where the uninstaller exists, and run the following command to uninstall Unica Platform by using the console mode:

      Uninstall_Product -i console

    • If you are uninstalling on a UNIX environment, navigate to the directory where the uninstaller exists, and run the following command to uninstall Unica Platform

      ./Uninstall\ Interaction\ History.

      Note: UNIX requires spaces after \.
    • In a command-line window, navigate to the directory where the uninstaller exists, and run the following command to uninstall Unica Platform by using the silent mode:

      Uninstall_Product -i silent

      When you uninstall Unica Platform by using the silent mode, the uninstallation process does not present any dialogs for user interaction.

    Note: If you do not specify an option for uninstalling Unica Platform, the uninstaller runs in the mode in which Unica Platform is installed.