Procedure: Fast upgrade Unica Collaborate

Before you begin

Complete the prerequisites to upgrade from Unica Collaborate 8.6.x or higher version to Unica Collaborate version 12.1.


  1. Ensure that Unica Platform and Unica Campaign are upgraded successfully on the target setup. Install Collaborate version 12.1 on the setup.
  2. Take a backup for Collaborate source system databases.

Upgrading Collaborate database


  1. Import the source system database on the target system database for Collaborate version 12.1.
  2. Run the udmdbsetup utility on target system from COLLABORATE_HOME/tools/bin.

    Example: If we are upgrading from version, run the following utility.

    ./ -t upgrade -b -m

    The following .sql file is generated under COLLABORATE_HOME/tools.


    Note: Ignore the last version mentioned in the file name and execute the same .sql file to upgrade the database to Collaborate V12.1.

    Execute the generated .sql file on Collaborate system database.

  3. Create data sources on the target application server and point to the upgraded database schema. You can use the same JNDI names as those in the source system to save effort in doing manual changes.

Updating files from source to target environment


  1. Take a backup of the source and the destination system files under the following directories.
    • <COLLABORATE_HOME>/projectattachments
    • <COLLABORATE_HOME>/templates
    • <COLLABORATE_HOME>/taskattachments
    • <COLLABORATE_HOME>/attachments
  2. Copy or merge all files mentioned in the previous step from the source folders to the respective destination Collaborate directories.
  3. In the source version, if you have customized the following files, copy these files to COLLABORATE_HOME/conf directory in the destination environment.
    • listmanager_tables.xml
    • collaborate_log4j.xml
    • listmanager_list.xml
    • listmanager_searchScreens.xml
    Note: You can ignore this step if you have not made any changes to the mentioned files.

Collaborate Configuration changes

About this task


  1. Execute the following query on Platform database to update the name of the Distributed Marketing node to Collaborate in Platform configurations.

    UPDATE usm_configuration SET display_name='Collaborate' where internal_name='Collaborate' and display_name_key='Distributed Marketing';

  2. Execute the following commands.
    • configTool.bat -vp -p "Affinium|Collaborate" -f "Collaborate_Home/conf/updates/collaborate_conf_upgrade_maxLimit.xml"
    • configTool.bat -vp -p "Affinium|Collaborate" -f "Collaborate_Home/conf/updates/collaborate_conf_upgrade_insights.xml"
  3. Create a xml file name. For example: validateFileUpload.xml with following contents.
    <!-- configTool.bat -vp -p "Affinium|Collaborate|UDM Configuration Settings" -f collaborate_conf_upgrade_insights.xml -->               
    <category name="Attachment">
                <property name="validateFileUpload" type="radio">
                    <value predefined="true" selected="false">true</value>
                    <value predefined="true" selected="true">false</value>
  4. Execute the following command.

    configTool.bat -vp -p "Affinium|Collaborate|UDM Configuration Settings" -f "<path_to_validateFileUpload.xml>"

  5. Perform the following substep to import resource bundles in Unica Platform. Execute the following scripts.
    • Navigate to <platform_home>/tools/bin and execute -P Collaborate -F Collaborate_Home/conf/resourcebundles

  6. Update serverURL in Affinium|Collaborate|navigation.
  7. Update flowchartServiceCampaignServicesURL in Affinium|Collaborate|UDM Configuration Settings|Flowchart.
  8. Update flowchartServiceNotificationServiceURL in Affinium|Collaborate|UDM Configuration Settings|Flowchart.
  9. Update notifyCollaborateBaseURL in Affinium|Collaborate|UDM Configuration Settings|Notifications.

Collaborate version registration


  1. On target environment navigate to the PLATFORM_HOME/tools/bin and execute the following command. -x -p "Affinium|Collaborate|about" -f Collaborate_about.xml

  2. Make the following changes to the Collaborate_about.xml file and save it as collab_about_new.xml file.
    1. Replace "display name" value "IBM Unica Distributed Marketing" with "Unica Collaborate"
    2. Replace "releaseNumber" value "<Old version>" with "<Build number as per version.txt>".
    3. Replace "java" value "IBM Corporation 2.4" with "Oracle Corporation 25.162-b12".
  3. Execute the following command on the target version 12.1 environment. -v -i -o -p "Affinium|Collaborate" -f Collaborate_about.xml

  4. Restart the Unica Collaborate application server.


On completion of upgrade to Unica Collaborate 12.1, the users can access the Collaborate application including Insights reports. For more details on Insights reports configuration, see the Unica Insights Installation and Configuration Guide.