Useful loggers in log4j2.xml file

The following table lists the useful loggers in the log4j2.xml file:

Table 1. Useful loggers in log4j2.xml file
Loggers Information
org.springframework.web Setting this logger to TRACE level produces HTTP request and response details for all the incoming HTTP requests to Content Integration. This logger can be useful if you want to see what is being exchanged between frontend and backend.



This logger is most useful for plugin development. It logs the HTTP interaction between Content Integration Framework and the target repository. For any service implemented using RESTful approach (by implementing RestService, HTTPService or their specialized derivatives), this logger will write HTTP request and response details for all the outbound HTTP interactions with target system. To prevent security vulnerability, values of confidential headers are masked before logging. Only the last four characters are left unmasked for troubleshooting. Such headers include standard header Authorization, or any non-standard custom headers set in request or received in response.
org.springframework.retry Setting this logger to TRACE level adds information related to retrial attempts while making HTTP calls to the target repository. This is useful to verify Retry Policy set up under QOS section for the respective system in Platform Configuration.