HCL Unica | General | Data filtering

Properties in this category specify values used when data filtering is implemented.

Default table name


This configuration property is required to enable data filters.

Set the value of this property to exactly match the name used for the addTables | AddDataTable | dataTable | name element in the XML used to create the data filters.

Default value


Valid values

Maximum of 50 characters of type varchar.

Default audience name


This configuration property is required to enable data filters.

Set the value of this property to exactly match the name used for the AddAudience | audience | name element in the XML used to create the data filters.

Default value


Valid values

Maximum of 50 characters of type varchar.

Enable data filter cache


This property is optional, and can be set to improve data filter performance.

This property specifies whether the Unica Platform retrieves data filter definitions from the database or from a cache. When this value is true, data filter definitions are stored in the cache and the cache is updated whenever there is any change in the data filter definitions.

You must restart the Unica Platform web application after you make a change in this property value before it can take effect.

Default value
