Creating a Campaign Custom Attributes schema

You need just one Campaign Custom Attributes schema for each partition. The same schema is used for all audience levels.

About this task

Complete the following steps to create a Campaign Custom Attributes schema.


  1. Select Settings > Configuration and expand Reports > Schemas > Campaign > Campaign Custom Attributes.
  2. In the New category name, enter a descriptive name for the reporting schema that indicates the partition.
    For example, Campaign Custom Attributes Partition 2.
  3. Under the new node in the Configuration tree, expand Columns and then add the custom cell, offer, and campaign attributes that are required by the partition for which you are creating this reporting schema.

    For help with this step, see the procedure Adding custom attributes.

  4. Optional: You can edit the view or table names. Under the new node, expand SQL Configuration and select each item and examine the view or table names. If you decide to change the names, make sure that names can be no longer than 18 characters, must be in all uppercase letters, and can include no spaces.
  5. Click Save Changes.