Report styles and appearance

Use the GlobalReportStyles.css style sheet to establish common reporting styles across the reports for all the HCL® EMM applications.

This style sheet establishes common reporting styles across the reports for all the HCL EMM applications. For information about styles, see the appendix Formatting the Cognos reports. This appendix provides the following information for the various kinds of reports.

  • The styles that are implemented by the GlobalReportStyles.css file.
  • Style formatting that you must do manually when you author a report because you cannot implement certain styles by the style sheet.

The dash character ("-") has special meaning in the HCL EMM reports: it denotes calculations that do not apply. For example, if the unique count in a row that shows totals cannot be calculated, a "-" is displayed to indicate that fact.

Some of the reports do not appear at their best on systems with little or no data. For example, a line graph with one data point cannot display a line, which makes the graph look empty. Additionally, graphical representations of summary data do not list the dates or times for data points that do not have data. For example, if you specify a date range that has only one day with data, the graph shows that date only.

You can customize the reports to use the chart or graph type that works best for the data from your systems.