HCL Cognos BI applications

HCL Cognos® BI is a collection of several applications, servers, and services, that is organized in a multi-tiered architecture.

When you use HCL Cognos BI with your HCL® EMM suite, you use the following subset of Cognos BI applications:

  • HCL Cognos BI Server, which provides storage for reports and folders (plus the queries and metadata models), the Content Manager.
  • HCL Cognos Connection, a web application that you use to import, configure, and schedule the reports. The application also provides access to the following additional components:
    • Cognos Viewer. Used for displaying reports. Cognos Viewer is the module that displays the reports in your HCL EMM applications.
    • Report Studio. Used for customizing reports and creating new ones.
    • Cognos Administration Used for configuring data sources.
  • HCL Cognos Framework Manager, the metadata modeling tool that you use to configure and customize the Cognos data model that supports the HCL Cognos BI reports for your HCL EMM application.
  • HCL Cognos Configuration, the configuration tool that you use to configure individual Cognos BI components.