Interact | Caches | Interact Cache | Ignite

A cache manager "Ignite" is added under Cache Manager node. The cache Interact Cache and PatternStateCache can use either EHCache or Ignite independently of each other. The following parameters are available for configuration:



When "Local" is selected, each node runs independently of each other. When "Distributed" is selected, all the nodes form a grid and the data are distributed across the grid, which is the default.

Default value

When "Distributed" is selected, all the nodes form a grid and the data are distributed across the grid, which is the default.


The comma separated list of nodes' addresses in the format of <IP>:<port> for the nodes to communicate with each other. If one of these addresses is a multicast address, multicast discovery is used. Otherwise, the static IP discovery is used, and in this case, at least one of them has to be active at any moment. This is required when "Distributed" is selected as the cache type. The default value is a multicast.
Default value


The port each node will use for communicating with other nodes. If not specified, an open port in the range between 47500 and 47509 will be used. It is suggested to configure this setting if static IP discovery is used. This value can be overridden by using JVM property -Dinteract.ignitePort=<valid port>.


This is the backup copies of data are saved in the grid. Higher value will have better failover support and better read performance with the cost of lower write performance. When cache type is Distributed set numberofBackups value to 1.


Whether persist data into a temporary file on disk.

Note: Requests for the same session on different instances may fail if an instance stops and no backup is configured. This implies, API call fails on two different RTs when cache type is Ignite, in a case.