Creating and configuring certificates for a clustered environment

This procedure describes how to create and configure your own certificates for a clustered environment.

Before you begin

The Campaign web application must be configured for SSL by using default certificates.

About this task

The following procedure describes how to create and configure self-signed certificates for Campaign and Marketing Platform.

In a clustered environment where there is an IBM HTTP Server in front of the Campaign web application and HCL Campaign listener, follow these steps to configure the HCL Campaign listener in SSL.

For additional details on using GSKit, see You can use these steps as a guide for configuring certificates for other HCL® Marketing Software products.

This procedure is applicable for the default certificates that are provided by the IBM WebSphere Application Server. If you are using custom security certificates, you must follow the steps for the custom certificates used by the IBM WebSphere Application Server.


To configure the IBM HTTP Server in SSL, complete the following steps.
  1. Use GSKit to generate SSL certificates as follows.
    1. Create and initialize a new key database.

      For example:

      gsk8capicmd_64 -keydb -create -populate -db IHS.kdb -pw password -stash

      The -stash option is required for Campaign.
    2. Use GSKit to generate a self-signed certificate for Campaign and store it in the key database, as follows.

      For example:

      gsk8capicmd_64 -cert -create -db IHS.kdb -dn "CN=*" -expire 3650 -pw password -size 1024 -label key -default_cert yes
    3. Extract the public part of the certificate to a file.

      For the clients to trust a certificate, its public part needs to be distributed to the clients and stored in their key databases. In this step, you export the public part of the Campaign certificate. You import it in a later step.

      For example:

      gsk8capicmd_64 -cert -extract -db IHS.kdb -stashed -label key -target IHS.arm
    4. Enable the following module in the httpd.conf file.

      For example:

      LoadModule ibm_ssl_module modules/
      Listen 443
      <VirtualHost *:443>
      KeyFile /data/webservers/IBM/IHS/ssl/IHS.kdb
      SSLStashFile /data/webservers/IBM/IHS/ssl/IHS.sth
    5. Provide the key file path in the httpd.conf file.
    6. Restart the IBM HTTP Server.
  2. Generate keystore database files for the server that hosts the HCL Campaign listener.
    1. On the server that hosts the HCL Campaign listener, run the following commands from any location and note the path.
      gsk8capicmd_64 -keydb -create -populate -db Key.kdb -pw password -stash
      gsk8capicmd_64 -cert -create -db Key.kdb -dn "CN=*" -expire 3650 -pw password -size 1024  
        -label key -default_cert yes
      gsk8capicmd_64 -cert -extract -db Key.kdb -stashed -label key -target Key.arm
    2. Verify that the following files are generated in the location from where you ran the above commands.
      • Key.arm
      • Key.crl
      • Key.kdb
      • Key.rdb
      • Key.sth
  3. Import the Key.arm and HIS.arm files into the application server where the Campaign web application is deployed.
    1. Copy the Key.arm and HIS.arm files to the Campaign web application server.
    2. Add the Key.arm and HIS.arm files in the NodeDefaultTrustStore of the WebSphere Application Server by completing the following steps:
      1. Click Security > SSL Certificate and key management > Key stores and certificates.
      2. Click NodeDefaultTrustStore > Signer certificates.
      3. Click Add and provide the Alias and the path where the Key.arm and HIS.arm files are copied.
      4. Click OK.
  4. Extract the Personal and Signer certificates for the IBM WebSphere Application Server
    1. Click Security > SSL Certificate and key management > Key stores and certificates.
    2. Click NodeDefaultTrustStore > Personal Certificates.
    3. Select the default certificate.
    4. Add the Personal Certificate file name along with the valid path in the HCL Campaign web application server. For example, /opt/IBM/IBMMS101/ClientPersonal.cer.
    5. Click OK.
    6. Click NodeDefaultTrustStore > Signer Certificates.
    7. Select the default certificate.
    8. Add the Signer Certificate file name along with the valid path in the HCL Campaign web application server. For example, /opt/IBM/IBMMS101/ClientSigner.cer.
    9. Navigate to the folder and verify the both certificates are present in the folder.
  5. Import the Personal and Signer certificates into the HCL Campaign listener and IBM HTTP Server keystore databases.
    1. Copy the ClientPersonal.cer and ClientSigner.cer certificates to the listener server. You can use the same location where the key.kdb file was created.
    2. Import the Personal and Signer certificates to the listener keystore database by using the gsk8capicmd_64 command from the location where the listener keystore database (key.kdb) was created.
      gsk8capicmd_64 -cert -add -db Key.kdb -stashed -label ClientPersonalKey -file ClientPersonal.cer
      gsk8capicmd_64 -cert -add -db Key.kdb -stashed -label ClientSignerlKey -file ClientSigner.cer
    3. Copy the ClientPersonal.cer and ClientSigner.cer certificates to the IBM HTTP Server. You can use the same location where the IHS.kdb file was created.
    4. Import the Personal and Signer certificates to the listener keystore database by using the gsk8capicmd_64 command from the location where the IBM HTTP Server keystore database (IHS.kdb) was created.
  6. Import the Campaign listener key in the IBM HTTP Server keystore database and import the IBM HTTP Server key in the Campaign keystore database.
    1. Copy the IBM HTTP Server key (IHS.arm) to the listener server.
    2. Import the IBM HTTP Server key to the listener keystore database by using the gsk8capicmd_64 command from the location where the Campaign listener keystore database (key.kdb) was created.
      gsk8capicmd_64 -cert -add -db Key.kdb -stashed -label IHSKey -file IHS.arm
    3. Copy the Campaign listener key (Key.arm) to the listener server.
    4. Import the Campaign listener key to the IBM HTTP Server keystore database by using the gsk8capicmd_64 command from the location where the IBM HTTP Server keystore database (IHS.kdb) was created.
      gsk8capicmd_64 -cert -add -db IHS.kdb -stashed -label IHSKey -file Key.arm
  7. Restart the HCL Campaign application server, the IBM HTTP server and then start the IBM Campaign Listener.