Known issues

This section describes the known issues in the 10.0 version of Marketing Platform.

IBM® SPSS® Modeler Advantage Enterprise Marketing Management Edition session persists across single sign-on users DEF 67409 If you access IBM SPSS Modeler Advantage Enterprise Marketing Management Edition through Marketing Platform using an account enabled for single sign-on, and you close the IBM SPSS Modeler Advantage Enterprise Marketing Management Edition browser window without logging out, any other users who log in from the same browser to IBM SPSS Modeler Advantage Enterprise Marketing Management Edition using single sign-on are logged in with the first user's session.

If you share a computer and browser with another EMM user where both you and the other user access IBM SPSS Modeler Advantage Enterprise Marketing Management Edition using single sign-on, you must log out of IBM SPSS Modeler Advantage Enterprise Marketing Management Edition before you close any modeling stream window. This prevents anyone else who uses the same browser to access IBM SPSS Modeler Advantage Enterprise Marketing Management Edition from using your IBM SPSS Modeler Advantage Enterprise Marketing Management Edition credentials.

When you upgrade to version 10.0, the Home and envelope icons may not be not displayed. DEF 221074 The home icon and envelope icon (for system notifications) are in SVG format. If they are not displayed, add the following mime type in your web application server.
  • WebLogic: Add svg=image/svg+xml.
  • WebSphere: Add image/svg+xml as the mime type and svg svgz as the extension.