Guidelines for creating Campaign reports

The HCL® Marketing Software reporting package for Campaign includes example reports. Use HCL® Cognos Report Studio to create and modify reports.

Use the following guidelines to create reports for Campaign in HCL Cognos Report Studio:

  • Examine the reference documentation that describes the metadata model and the specifications of the example reports from the Campaign reports package. This documentation is in the CampaignReportPack\cognosN\docs subdirectory in the reports package installation directory, where N is the version number of your Cognos installation.
  • Using Report Studio, create or copy and modify a report. For details, see the Cognos Report Studio documentation.
  • If you modify a copy of a report, or the report itself, ensure that you understand how the report is constructed. Then, you can add your custom attributes and metrics and modify the objects and query items by using the toolbar and Properties pane in Report Studio. For information about using Report Studio, see the Cognos Report Studio documentation. For information about the objects and query items in the example reports, consult the reference documentation from the reports package.
  • For object-specific reports that appear on the Analysis tab, create a parameter ID that accepts the passed value from the object. For a system-wide report that appears on the Analysis page, create a prompt that contains all object values for campaigns or offers. For details, see the Cognos Report Studio documentation.
  • Save the report into the appropriate folder under Public Folders to make it visible in Campaign.
    • To display the report on the Analysis tab, save it in the Campaign - Object Specific Reports folder.
    • To display the report on the Analysis page, save it in the Campaign folder.
    • To add the report to a dashboard portlet, save it in the Unica Dashboards\Campaign folder.