Deploying Unica Plan on JBoss

You must follow a set of guidelines when you deploy Unica Plan on JBoss.

  1. Perform the following steps:
    • Clear the recent items for all the users. Note: Administrator: Please communicate to all the users to clear their respective recent items prior to the migration to JBOSS.
    • Clear the directory <Plan_home>/recentdata.
    • Migrate to JBOSS + 12.1.8.

From the bin directory under your JBoss installation directory, locate and open the standalone.conf or standalone.conf.bat script appropriate for your operating system in a text editor. Scroll to the JAVA_OPTIONS property, and add the following entries. Use a space to separate entries.

  • -Dplan.home=<Plan_Home>

    Where <HCL_Unica_Home> is the path to the top-level directory and <Plan_Home> is the path to the directory where you installed Unica Plan. Typically this directory is HCL_Unica/Plan.

  • -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8
  • Make sure that the following JVM parameters are present. If not add them:
    • For version 12.1.0,,, and, add the following parameters:
      • -Dlog4j2.contextSelector=org.apache.logging.log4j.core.async.AsyncLoggerContextSelector
      • -Dlog4j2.configurationFile=file:///<Plan_home>\conf\plan_log4j.xml (in case of fresh install of 12.1)
      • -Dlog4j.configurationFile=file:///<Plan_home>\conf\plan_log4j.xml (in case of fresh install of 12.1)
    • For version or later, if you are installing, add the following parameters. If you are upgrading from version 12.1.0 or later, remove the parameters mentioned earlier, and add the following parameters:
      • -Dlog4j.configuration=file:///<Plan_home>\conf\plan_log4j_1x.xml
      • -Dplan.log4j.config=<Plan_home>\conf\plan_log4j.xml
      • -Dplan.log4j.async=true (If not set, deafults to true)
    • For version 12.1.0,,, and, if you have customized the plan_log4j.xml and made some changes to suit your organization, then ensure that you make those settings in the plan_log4j.xml specified here as per the -Dlog4j2.configurationFile and the -Dlog4j.configurationFile that has been deployed.
    • For version or later, if you have customized the plan_log4j.xml and made some changes to suit your organization, then ensure that you make those settings in the plan_log4j.xml specified here as per the -Dplan.log4j.config file that has been deployed.
    • For version 12.1.0,,, and, ensure that the xml file pointed by log4j2.configurationFile and log4j.configurationFile is the same and follows the log4j2 syntax. The file should contain the following two lines at the top:
       <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
      <Configuration packages="com.unica.afc.logger" monitorInterval="60">
    • For version or later, ensure that the xml file pointed by -Dplan.log4j.config file follows the log4j2 syntax. The file should contain the following two lines at the top:
       <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
      <Configuration packages="com.unica.afc.logger" monitorInterval="60">
    • See the log4j2 documentation for details by referring to the link:
    • In Windows, the file path contains a back slash. Whereas, in UNIX, it must contain a forward slash.
    • The path separator in the log4j configuration file name should be set as Windows style() or UNIX (/ ) style based on the underlying operating system.
  • In the <Plan_home>/conf/ location, the 12.1.8 installer creates a back up of the existing files:
    File name before backup File name after backup
    plan_log4j.xml plan_log4j.xml_pre_12.1.8
    plan_log4j_client.xml plan_log4j_client.xml_pre_12.1.8
    plan_log4j_socket_server.xml plan_log4j_socket_server.xml_pre_12.1.8

    If the backed up files contain custom settings, you must ensure that the custom settings are copied to the newly added configuration files by the 12.1.8 installer.

Make sure that the version of JBoss meets the requirements that are described in the Unica Enterprise Products Recommended Software Environments and Minimum System Requirements document. Use the following guidelines when you deploy Unica Plan on JBoss:

Use the following guidelines when you deploy the Unica Plan products on any supported version of JBoss:

  1. Deploy the HCL plan.war file as an enterprise application.

    For example: deploy <Plan_home>\plan.war

    See for instructions on Deploying Web Server Application in JBoss.

  2. Complete the following tasks if your installation must support non-ASCII characters, for example for Portuguese or for locales that require multi-byte characters:
    1. Edit the standalone.conf script in the bin directory under your JBOSS /bin directory to add -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Dclient.encoding.override=UTF-8 to JAVA_VENDOR.
    2. Restart JBoss server.

By default JBOSS is configured to process requests with a maximum size of 10 MB. If you expect users to download large files, configure the max-post-size as needed.

To increase the value of this parameter, directly edit the standalone configuration or domain configuration as follows:
 <buffer-cache name="default"/>
            <server name="default-server">
                <http-listener name="default" socket-binding="http" redirect-socket="https" max-post-size="20971520" enable-http2="true"/>

For more information, see JBOSS documentation.