New features and changes in version 12.1.6

Unica Plan 12.1.6 includes the following new features:

  • Add Object Name as default to subject line of Approval and Invoices or Accounts attachments.

    In earlier versions, when sending an attachment as an email, the subject line was blank. From version 12.1.6, the subject line has the following details to provide clarity to the receiver:

    • For standalone Approvals, the subject line has the approval name.
    • For Workflow Approvals, the subject line has Project Name (Code) - Task Number - Approval Name.
    • For Invoices, the subject line has Invoice Name (Vendor Code - Vendor Name)
    • For Accounts, the subject line has Account Name (Account Code)
  • Out of office delegation failure Alert/Notification implementation.
  • Enabling resizing of the column 'Name'.
  • The following libraries were upgraded:
    Library name Version
    commons-fileupload-1.5 1.5
    xstream 1.4.20
    spring-aop 5.3.27
    spring-beans 5.3.27
    spring-context-support 5.3.27
    spring-context 5.3.27
    spring-core 5.3.27
    spring-expression 5.3.27
    spring-jdbc 5.3.27
    spring-orm 5.3.27
    spring-tx 5.3.27
    spring-test 5.3.27
    spring-messaging 5.3.27
    spring-websocket 5.3.27
    spring-web 5.3.27
    spring-webmvc 5.3.27
    spring-security-acl 5.7.8
    spring-security-config 5.7.8
    spring-security-core 5.7.8
    spring-security-ldap 5.7.8
    spring-security-openid 5.7.8
    spring-security-taglibs 5.7.8
    spring-security-web 5.7.8
    spring-security-crypto 5.7.8
    json-smart 2.4.9
  • The following library was deleted: log4j-slf4j-impl-2.17.1 version 2.17.1.