Task pane

When you click a task in the My Tasks page, its parent object opens on the left and the task pane opens on the right. The task pane provides shortcuts to many Unica Plan functions, context for the task you are working on, and tools to move directly through the workflow.

Depending on the parent object you are working on and your permissions, you can click links in the task pane to do the following tasks.

  • Edit project tabs.
  • Add attachments.
  • Read and post messages.
  • Manage team members and reviewers.
  • Find and replace task owners.
  • Edit the workflow.
  • Edit budget allocations and line items.
  • Edit tracking.
  • Add a child object or request.
  • Link an existing program, project, or request to the parent object.
  • If you are a project owner, you can change the form linked to a form task in the workflow.

The task pane also provides context while you work by showing the next task in the workflow (that you have permission to see) on the bottom of the task pane. If you do not have permission to edit it, the task is in view mode. You can also record effort time and write hand-off comments.

Use the following tools to move through multiple tasks and approvals directly on the task pane.

  • Save the task to work on later by clicking Save for Later.
  • Go to the linked form for form tasks.
  • Mark the task complete by clicking Finish.
  • Skip the task by clicking Skip.
Note: You cannot Skip or Finish form tasks from the task pane. To finish the form task, follow the link to the form and complete it.