Calculating date dependencies above a locked task

If a workflow has a locked task, and you change the date of a task that is located above that task, you receive a warning when you calculate date dependencies.

About this task

To clarify this task, the procedure that follows assumes:

  • Task 1.8 is locked.
  • You need to change the duration of task 1.5 from five days to 10 days.
  • All tasks depend on the previous task.


  1. Open the workflow and change the duration on task 1.5 from five days to 10 days.
  2. Click Recalculate dates to end the date of task 1.5.

    The system displays a warning message, saying you cannot recalculate through the locked row.

  3. Click the start date of task 1.8
  4. Click the Recalculate dates.


The system calculates the dates below the locked task.