Information for creating JDBC connections

Use default values when you create JDBC connections if specific values are not provided. For more information, see the application server documentation.

Note: If you are not using the default port setting for your database, make sure that you change it to the correct value.


Use the following values if your application server is WebLogic:


  • Database Driver: Microsoft MS SQL Server Driver (Type 4) Versions: 2012, 2012 SP1 and SP3, 2014, 2014 SP1, 2016 SP1

  • Default port: 1433

  • Driver class:

  • Driver URL: jdbc:sqlserver://<your_db_host>[\\<named_instance>]:<your_db_port>;databaseName=<your_db_name>

  • Properties: Add user=<your_db_user_name>


  • Driver: Other

  • Default port: 1521

  • Driver class: oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver

  • Driver URL: jdbc:oracle:thin:@<your_db_host>:<your_db_port>:<your_db_service_name>

    Enter the driver URL by using the format that is shown. Unica applications do not allow the use of Oracle's RAC (Real Application Cluster) format for JDBC connections.

  • Properties: Add user=<your_db_user_name>


  • Driver: Other

  • Default port: 50000

  • Driver class:

  • Driver URL: jdbc:db2://<your_db_host>:<your_db_port>/<your_db_name>

  • Properties: Add user=<your_db_user_name>


  • Driver: org.mariadb.jdbc.Driver

  • Default port: 3306

  • Driver class: org.mariadb.jdbc.MariaDbDataSource

  • Driver URL: jdbc:mysql://hostname:port/databaseName


Use the following values if your application server is WebSphere®:


  • Driver: N/A

  • Default port: 1433

  • Driver class:

  • Driver URL: jdbc:sqlserver://<DBhostName>:1433;databaseName=<DBName>

In the Database Type field, select User-defined.

After you create the JDBC Provider and data source, go to the Custom Properties for the data source, and add, modify properties as follows.

  • serverName=<your_SQL_server_name>
  • portNumber =<SQL_Server_Port_Number>
  • databaseName=<your_database_name>

Add the following custom property:

Name: webSphereDefaultIsolationLevel

Value: 1

Datatype: Integer


  • Driver: Oracle JDBC Driver

  • Default port: 1521

  • Driver class: oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver

  • Driver URL: jdbc:oracle:thin:@<your_db_host>:<your_db_port>:<your_db_service_name>

    Enter the driver URL by using the format that is shown. Unica applications do not allow the use of Oracle's RAC (Real Application Cluster) format for JDBC connections.

Add the following custom property:

Name: webSphereDefaultIsolationLevel

Value: blank or 2

Datatype: Integer


  • Driver: JCC Driver Provider

  • Default port: 50000

  • Driver class:

  • Driver URL: jdbc:db2://<your_db_host>:<your_db_port>/<your_db_name>

Add the following custom property:

Name: webSphereDefaultIsolationLevel

Value: 2

Datatype: Integer

  • Driver: MariaDBDriver (this is the mariadb jar registered with mariadb)
  • Default port: 3306
  • Driver class: org.mariadb.jdbc.MariaDbDataSource
  • Driver URL: jdbc:mariadb://<your_db_host>:<your_db_port>/<your_db_name>jdbc:db2://<your_db_host>:<your_db_port>/<your_db_name>


Specify the native library path of the database driver JAR file on your server. For example: db2jcc4.jar/ojdbc8.jar/sqljdbc4.jar.

Use the following values if your application server is JBoss:


  • Database Driver: Microsoft MS SQL Server Driver (Type 4) Versions: 2012, 2012 SP1 and SP3, 2014, 2014 SP1, 2016 SP1
  • Default port: 1433
  • Driver class:
  • Driver URL: jdbc:sqlserver://<your_db_host>[\\<named_instance>]:<your_db_port>;databaseName=<your_db_name>,valid-connection-checker-class-name =org.jboss.jca.adapters.jdbc.extensions.mssql.MSSQLValidConnectionChecker

For example :/subsystem=datasources/data-source=UnicaPlatformDS:add(jndi-name="java:/UnicaPlatformDS",connection-url="jdbc:sqlserver://localhost:1433;databaseName=plat11",driver-name=sql,user-name=sa,password=test1234,valid-connection-checker-class-name="org.jboss.jca.adapters.jdbc.extensions.mssql.MSSQLValidConnectionChecker")


  • Driver: Oracle JDBC Driver
  • Default port: 8232
  • Driver class: oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver
  • Driver URL: jdbc:oracle:thin:@<your_db_host>:<your_db_port>:<your_db_service_name> valid-connection-checker-class-name=valid-connection-checker-class-name=""

For example:/subsystem=datasources/data-source=UnicaPlatformDS:add(jndiname=" java:/UnicaPlatformDS",connection-url="jdbc:oracle:// localhost:8232;databaseName=plat11",driver-name=oracle,username= plat,password=test1234,valid-connection-checker-class-name="")


  • tomcat
  • Driver: JCC Driver Provider
  • Default port: 50000
  • Driver class:
  • Driver URL: jdbc:db2://<your_db_host>:<your_db_port>/<your_db_name> valid-connection-checker-class-name="org.jboss.jca.adapters.jdbc.extensions.db2.DB2ValidConnectionChecker"

For example:/subsystem=datasources/data-source=UnicaPlatformDS:add(jndiname=" java:/UnicaPlatformDS",connection-url="jdbc:db2:// localhost:50000;databaseName=plat11",driver-name=db2,username= plat,password=test1234,valid-connection-checker-class-name="org.jboss.jca.adapters.jdbc.extensions.db2.DB2ValidConnectionChecker"

  • Driver: MariaDBDriver (this is the mariadb jar registered with mariadb)
  • Default port: 3306
  • Driver class: org.mariadb.jdbc.MariaDbDataSource
  • Driver URL: jdbc:mariadb://<your_db_host>:<your_db_port>/<your_db_name>jdbc:db2://<your_db_host>:<your_db_port>/<your_db_name>


Specify the native library path of the database driver JAR file on your server. For example: db2jcc4.jar/ojdbc8.jar/sqljdbc4.jar to create a datasource under Tomcat Interact Instance, add folder hierarchy as <Tomcat_Home>/conf/ Catalina/localhost, create a xml file with the name interact.xml under localhost folder. Add data source pointing to Runtime, Test, Production and learning database in interact.xml, refer platform or Campaign xml file which is created through installers under there respective Tomcat instance directory. You will need to create these Data source entry in Campaign Tomcat instance too.

Note: If you want to encrypt password then run utility from <PLATFORM_HOME>/tools/bin. To know more about utility, visit Unica Platform Administrator Guide > Chapter 20. Unica Platform utilities and SQL scripts > Unica Platform Utilities > encryptTomcatDBPassword.

Set removeAbandoned=true and removeAbandonedTimeout=300 (5 minutes) for plands datasource configuration in <catalina home>/conf/Catalina/localhost/plan.xml file within the section that starts with the parameter Resource name="plands".

For example:
<Resource name="plands" auth="Application" type="javax.sql.DataSource" factory="org.apache.tomcat.jdbc.pool.DataSourceFactory" maxTotal="100" maxIdle="30" maxWaitMillis ="10000" username="abc" password="abc" driverClassName="org.mariadb.jdbc.Driver" removeAbandoned="true" removeAbandonedTimeout="300" url="jdbc:mysql://" />
Note: If the application executes SQL queries that requires more than 300 seconds of execution time, change the value of removeAbandonedTimeout.

Use the following values if your application server is Tomcat:


  • Database Driver: Microsoft MS SQL Server Driver (Type 4) Versions: 2012, 2012 SP1 and SP3, 2014, 2014 SP1, 2016 SP1
  • Default port: 1433
  • Driver class:
  • Driver type: javax.sql.DataSource
  • Driver URL: jdbc:sqlserver://<your_db_host>[\\<named_instance>]:<your_db_port>;databaseName=<your_db_name>


  • Driver: Oracle JDBC Driver
  • Default port: 1521
  • Driver class: oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver
  • Driver URL: jdbc:oracle:thin:@<your_db_host>:<your_db_port>:<your_db_service_name>


  • Driver: JCC Driver Provider
  • Default port: 50000
  • Driver class:
  • Driver URL: jdbc:db2://<your_db_host>:<your_db_port>/<your_db_name>
  • Driver: MariaDBDriver (this is the mariadb jar registered with mariadb)
  • Default port: 3306
  • Driver class: org.mariadb.jdbc.MariaDbDataSource
  • Driver URL: jdbc:mariadb://<your_db_host>:<your_db_port>/<your_db_name>jdbc:db2://<your_db_host>:<your_db_port>/<your_db_name>
Note: You must update the URL for Platform data source in plan.xml manually.