Workflow toolbar

In the Enhanced workflow version, you do not have to open in edit view to make changes. You can make changes in the default view and the changes are auto-saved.

The following table describes the toolbar options.

Table 1. The workflow toolbar
Icon Description
Add row

Add Row. To add a row after an existing row in the workflow, select the row then click this icon to specify the type of row. You can add:

  • Task
  • Form task
  • Approval
  • Flowchart approval

Unica Plan adds the task and renumbers the subsequent tasks.

Add stage To add a new stage after a row or an existing stage. Select an existing row or a stage and click the button.

Unica Plan adds the stage and renumbers the subsequent stages.

In series / In parallel / No dependency

By default, the system adds rows to the spreadsheet in series, so each task depends on the task that precedes it. To use a different dependency option, click the button and make a selection before you add the next task to the workflow.

Select a dependency option.

  • No Dependencies: when you add a row, the system does not make it dependent on any other row
  • In series: when you add a row, the system makes it dependent on the row above it
  • In parallel: when you add a row, the system makes it dependent on the same task or tasks as the row above it

Each row that you add uses the same dependency option until you change your selection.

You can also change dependencies manually. Click the task or stage name and supply a comma-separated list of numbers in parentheses. For more information, see Task dependencies.

Deleting a component

Select a task or stage name and click > to delete the component.

  • You cannot delete the first stage in a workflow spreadsheet.
  • When you delete a stage, its associated tasks are appended to the previous stage. The tasks are not deleted.
Spreadsheet view (enabled)

This is a toggle button which either activates or deactivates the Spreadsheet view.

If you activate the Spreadsheet view, you can view and modify the fields.

Spreadsheet view (disabled)
If you deactivate the Spreadsheet view, the view turns to read-only mode. In this mode you can modify the following details: You can only modify the timeline view of the project. The timeline view options are as follows:
  • Forecast date / Target date: By default, Forecast date is selected. You can change the view to Target date.
  • Hour / Days / Weeks / Months: By default, Days is selected. You can change the view to:
    • Hours: Shows an hourly view of a particular day.
    • Days: Shows a daily view of the project status.
    • Weeks: Shows a weekly view of the project status.
    • Months: Shows a monthly view of the project status.

From onwards, if you have the required permissions, you can add or remove dependency in the read-only mode.

To add a dependency, drag-and-drop a dependency line from the source task or approval to the destination task or approval.

To remove a dependency, select the required dependency line and press the Delete key.

Note: If there are multiple dependency lines from the source task or approval, they will overlap each other and you cannot remove the shorter lines before deleting the longer line. This is a Known Issue in release.
From the 12.1.03 release of Unica Plan, you can modify the tasks even if the Spreadsheet view is disabled. Click the task in the Dock Panel column. A dialog appears. A side panel opens containing the following tabs:
  • General
  • Attachment
  • Dependency

In the side panel, complete the following steps:

  1. In the General tab, provide values for the following fields:
    • Set the Status of the task.
    • Confirm if the Anchor is needed or not.
    • Set the Milestone for the task.
    • Toggle Enforce dependency if you want to set it.
    • Set the schedule using Schedule through.
    • Set the Start date and End date for Forecast/Actual dates and Target dates. Either set the End date for Forecast/Actual dates and Target dates, or provide the Actual duration and Target duration.
    • If required, enter the Workflow notes and Comments for revision history.
    • For the Members field, search a member by name and select the required member to assign the task.
    • For the Task roles field, search a role and select the role to assign to the member.
  2. In the Attachments tab, provide values for the following fields:
  3. In the Dependency tab, provide values for the following fields:
  4. Click Save.

An entry for the task with the duration appears in the grid. After you set the dates, using the side panel, you do not have to access the panel to make modifications. You can resize the block, by selecting either the start point or the end point of th block, or move the block and the dates get updated automatically.

Recalculate dates

Shift+click to select one or more adjacent cells, click Recalculate dates and one of the following options:

  • Preserving slack time between tasks: recalculates all date dependencies that are based on your changes; any slack time between dependent tasks is not removed.
  • Removing slack time between tasks: recalculates all date dependencies that are based on your changes; any slack time between dependent tasks is removed.

Offers options that affect the values in specific cells, or that affect a column or the entire spreadsheet.

To apply any of the following options, you must first Shift+click to select one or more adjacent cells, click Tools, and one of the following options:

  • Copy: copies the contents of the selected cells to the clipboard.
  • Paste: pastes the contents of the clipboard, beginning at the selected cell.
  • Paste row after: pastes the contents of the clipboard below the selected row.
  • Mark: changes the Status and % Complete values for the corresponding task or tasks. For example, Mark as Finished changes the Status to Finished and % Complete to 100%. You can mark tasks as Mark as Skipped, Mark as finished, Mark as active, or Mark as pending.
  • Fill > Fill up / Fill > Fill down: copies the value in the selected cell or group of cells to the cells above or below it.
  • Clear > Clear cell: erases all entries in the selected cell or group of cells.
Note: You must apply these options to cells that are adjacent; that is, Ctrl+click selections are not supported.

The other options on the Tools menu function as follows:

  • Clear > Clear column: click a single cell, then select this option to erase all entries in that column. For columns that have a default value, such as Schedule Through, every cell is set to the default.
  • Clear > Clear all: erases the entire workflow.