New features and changes in version 12.1

Unica Plan 12.1 includes the following new features.

For more information about the new features and changes in Unica Plan 12.1, see the Unica Plan documentation set.

New Workflow UI

A completely redesigned workflow with modern UI. The new workflow UI retains capabilities of previous versions, like copy-paste, date calculation, etc, and adds the following new capabilities:
  • Drag-and-drop tasks, collapse stages, and resize and reorder columns.
  • Editable tasks and approvals details within the spreadsheet and in a panel that opens when you click the task or approval.
  • Based on the permissions you set, the workflow now opens directly in edit mode allowing quick changes. Any modification made in the spreadsheet is automatically saved. Any modification made in the task panel or approval panel, which is not saved, can be cancelled, if required.
  • Several users can now work on same workflow at the same time. Any changes made by one user will be automatically refreshed on the other users' browsers.
  • Similar to Classic Worklow UI, the timeline view, in the Enhanced Workflow UI, will be a read-only view.
  • Process view, in the Enhanced Workflow UI, is not available in the 12.1 release.

New APIs for managing Workflows

A new set of REST APIs for creating and updating workflow tasks and approvals.


For users with Plan Administrator role, Swagger UI has been introduced, on the Plan Settings page, for exploring Unica Plan V1 and V2 REST APIs.

Saving user preferences in new workflow

From version, user can save column preferences in the new Workflow. For, user can hide columns or unhide columns and these settings will be saved upon exit. User cannot hide Task name and the following mandatory columns:

  • Status
  • % completed
  • Required
  • Task code