License and permission issues for Unica Plan and Unica Campaign integration

When Unica Plan and Unica Campaign are integrated, every person who is involved in the design, creation, and execution of the campaign needs a Unica Plan license.

The team members who work exclusively in Unica Campaign such as flowchart developer, need a Unica Plan license so they can receive workflow notifications and access campaigns. In an integrated environment, the only way to access a campaign is through Unica Plan.

Some actions in a Unica Plan campaign project require a Unica Campaign permission. You can create a role in Unica Campaign that grants these permissions and assigns the role to users who work in Unica Plan. The following table lists the actions and the required permissions:

Table 1. Permissions required for campaign actions

The following two-columned table describes action in one column, and required Campaign permissions in the second column.

Action Required Unica Campaign permission
Create linked campaign Create Campaign
Update linked campaign Edit campaign
Publish TCS® Manage campaign target cells
Get cell run status Manage campaign target cells
Search for and assign offers in TCS View offer summary
Import metrics Analyze campaign