Examples of programmatically populating fields

There are several examples you can use to programmatically populate field.

This example uses the <servicedetails> tag to set up a server-side Java™ class application by implementing the com.unicacorp.common.template.IdGenerate interface and passing a product ID.

     <param name="param1" type="string"
     valuecolumn="dyn_projectatts.product_id" />

Similar to the previous example, the following shows how to configure the same behavior, but with a generic Java class that does not implement the com.unicacorp.common.template.IdGenerate interface.

     <param name="param1" type="string"
     valuecolumn="dyn_projectatts.product_id" />

The following is an example of how you can use the <servicedetails> tag to set up a web service application and pass a business unit ID.

     </wsdl -->
<param name="param1" type="string" valuecolumn="dyn_projectatts.business_unit_id" />
<param name="param2" type="string" valuecolumn="dyn_projectatts.prog_type_id" />