Running database query for cleanup

Before you upgrade Unica Plan, run the database query to remove duplicate project request ids, if any.

About this task

Run the query in your database to find and remove all duplicate results returned by this query to ensure the successful upgrade of Unica Plan.

Complete the following steps to run the database query:


  1. Open your database console that has Unica Plan system tables.
  2. Enter the following query:
     SELECT proj_request_id, count(proj_request_id) num
     FROM uap_projects
     WHERE proj_request_id in (SELECT project_id FROM uap_projects WHERE 
    state_code = 'ACCEPTED')
     group by proj_request_id
     having count(proj_request_id) > 1"
  3. The query returns project request ids that are duplicate. Analyze the results to determine which of the duplicate rows you use and which can be deleted. You can look in the uap_projects_last_mod_date table or view the data in the reference tables to determine which records to delete. To delete the rows, run the delete query on the database. If the duplicate rows are not deleted, the upgrade may fail.