Exporting a single template

You can export a single template by clicking on the template you want to export and clicking Export Export Template.


  1. From the Settings menu, select Unica CollaborateUnica Plan Settings.
  2. Click Template Configuration.
  3. Click Templates.
  4. Click the name of the template to export.

    The Properties tab displays.

  5. Click the Export icon (Page with diskette image).Click Export Template.
  6. Specify the Database Type of the system that receives the template metadata through an import operation. The selected database type determines the format of the SQL script files that are generated by the export process.
  7. Click ContinueExport to export the template, or CancelClose to cancel the export; skip the remainder of the instructions.
  8. On the File Download dialog, click Open or Save.

    The system creates a compressed archive that contains the XML and SQL script files for the selected template. Open or extract the archive file to view these files.