Publishing or unpublishing saved searches

After a user saves the criteria for an advanced search, an administrator can publish it to make it available to all Unica PlanUnica Collaborate users. Alternatively, if a previously published search is no longer widely needed, you can change it back to a private search.


  1. Select Settings > Unica PlanUnica Collaborate Settings > Manage Published Searches.
  2. By default, the Manage Published Searches page lists only your own searches. To work with a search created by another user, select that user in the Search by User Name field.
  3. To publish a search, select it in the Available Saved Search list, then click >>.
    The search moves to the Publish Saved Search list.
  4. To make a search private, select it in the Publish Saved Search list, then click <<.
    The search moves to the Available Saved Search list.
  5. Click Save Changes.