Methods of evaluating approvals

When you are notified that it is your turn to review, you can evaluate the approval process in the Unica Plan user interface, through the Approval Portlet, or on a mobile device.

Each method has different benefits.

  • Full user interface

    Evaluating approvals through the Unica Plan user interface is the most robust method. Use this method when you need to extensively markup attachments or if you also need to create approvals. In addition to reviewing approvals, you can also copy, cancel, create, modify, and finish approvals processes in the user interface.

  • Approval Portlet

    The Approval Portlet on your dashboard is a quick, easy method to efficiently access the approvals you need to review. The Approval Portlet contains all the same review and markup features of Unica Plan. However, you cannot copy, cancel, or create approvals in the Approval Portlet.

  • Mobile approvals

    Use Unica Plan approvals on mobile devices for quick access to your approvals away from your computer. Follow the link in the email that notifies you that it is your turn to review to immediately evaluate the approvals on your mobile device. Mobile approvals are especially useful for approvals without creative attachments or when you can describe the changes in comments.

    Mobile approvals are especially useful for approvals without creative attachments or when you can describe the changes in comments.

    Note: At this time, you cannot view or markup attachments when you review approvals on mobile devices.