Saved searches

You can save any advanced search by clicking Save As on the Advanced Search page. Saved searches are available only for plans, programs, projects, and marketing objects.

There are two types of saved searches: unpublished and published. Unpublished saved searches are available only to the user who saved it. Published saved searches are available to all users. Only an HCLadministrator can publish saved searches.

How to access saved searches

After you save a search, you can access the search and rerun it with the same criteria. You can access saved searches in two ways:

  • From the Action menu on the object list page
  • On the list page, when you view all objects of that type by selecting All [item] in the Action menu

For example, saved searches for projects are available on the Projects List page when you view all projects and requests. If your system contains any published saved searches, they are listed with your unpublished saved searches.

How to set the sort order in saved searches

When you save a search, the sort column and sort order that exist on the page from which you are searching becomes the default sort order in the saved search.

Note: If you create a saved search from another saved search that has optional columns, the optional columns are not included. If the sort column in the original search was optional, in the second saved search the sort column reverts to the default. The sort column does not exist in the new saved search.

You can change the sort column and sort order of an unpublished search by doing the following actions:

  1. Changing the sort column and sort order of the list page
  2. Accessing the saved search
  3. Clicking Save to update the search

This option applies only to unpublished searches. To change the sort column and sort order for a published search, an HCLadministrator must unpublish the search, change the sort, and republish the search.