Adding a plan

When you add a plan, you become an owner of that plan.

About this task

To add a plan, complete the following steps.


  1. Click Operations > Plans.
  2. Click the Add Plan icon (Page with plus sign image).
  3. Enter a plan name in the Name field.
  4. Enter a description of the plan in the Description field.
  5. Click Add/Remove Members to add team members to the plan.
  6. Select Auto-generate on save or enter a plan ID in the Plan Code field.

    By default, the Auto-generate on save field is checked and HCLMarketing Operations generates a number automatically when the plan is saved. To enter a plan ID manually in the Plan ID field, clear the Auto-generate on save check box.

    The plan ID must be unique.

  7. Select the security policy from the Security Policy list.

    A security policy is required and defaults to Global or the default security policy set by your system administrator.

  8. Select a business area in the Business Area field.
  9. Click Add/Remove Program Area to select the program areas to use for programs in this plan.
  10. Select a fiscal year from the Fiscal Year list.

    To indicate the year in which the plan is active, you can choose the current fiscal year or one of the next two fiscal years. That is, for a plan that is created in fiscal year 2015 you can select FY 2015, FY 2016, or FY 2017.

    Note: The budget information available on the Budget tab corresponds to the value in this field.
  11. Select the Budget Granularity.
  12. Click Save Changes to save the plan.

    To edit an existing plan, click the Edit icon (Page and pencil image) found on the plan Summary tab.