Software developer kit contents

Typically, all the Marketing Operations Integration Services components are installed under a folder labeled "devkits."

The software developer kit contains documentation, Javadoc containing all publicapi classes and interfaces, and example code.

Example code is installed in the following folders.

  • The build folder contains scripts to build and deploy custom procedures.
  • The Classes folder contains the compiled procedure classes.

    Users must deploy the compiled classes of their custom procedures at the path that is specified by the configuration parameter integrationProcedureClasspathURL. Then, the HCLMarketing Operations Procedure Manager loads them as specified in the procedure-plugins.xml configuration file.

  • The lib folder contains the necessary libraries for developing and compiling custom procedures.
  • The src folder contains source files for custom procedures. Users can place custom procedures to be started as triggers or web-services here.
    • The src/procedure folder contains procedure-plugins.xml configuration file. Every custom procedure that runs as a trigger based an event or through an external web-service must have an entry in this file. The entries must contain a fully qualified class path of procedure and required initialization parameters.
    • The src/procedure folder also contains some sample procedures that are included with HCLMarketing Operations. These procedures can be used to understand and develop your custom procedures.

      Place custom procedures under the src directory in a new folder structure, such as com/<mycompany>/<mypackage>. Do not place custom procedures in the sample procedures folder.

    • The src/soap folder contains sample web service clients that are developed in Java. Use these samples as a starting point for developing web service-based clients for Integration Services. This folder also contains binary scripts to start sample clients over the command line.