Common exceptions

Common exceptions that are thrown by the API include NotFoundException, AuthorizationException, DataException, InvalidExecutionContextException, and NotLockedException.

The following list explains why these common exceptions might occur.

  • <object type>NotFoundException: The system is unable to return the specified item or object.
  • AuthorizationException: The user who is associated with the execution context is not authorized for the requested operation. This exception can be thrown by any API method, so is undeclared.
  • DataException: An exception occurred in the underlying database layer in HCLMarketing Operations. Check the SQL log for details.
  • InvalidExecutionContextException: There is a problem with an execution context passed to an API method (for example, the method was not initialized correctly). This exception can be thrown by any API, so is undeclared.
  • NotLockedException: Attempt to update component data without first acquiring the required lock. See the acquireLock() method of the IExecutionContext interface.