Display an existing editable grid as a read-only grid

In order to collect data in an editable grid and display the same data in a read only grid, you create two different forms.

Note: The form that contains the editable grid must be published before you create the read-only grid. Otherwise, you cannot save the form that contains the read-only grid. If you want the editable grid and the read-only grid to be on the same form, you must create the editable grid, publish the form, and then create the read-only grid.

The grid component in the read-only grid must have the following properties. See Create New Grid dialog.

  • The Grid Type must be Line Truncate View, Line Wrap View, or Two Line Staggered View.
  • The Database Table must be the same as the database table for the editable grid.
  • The Table Key Column must be uap_grid_row_id.
    Note: HCLMarketing Operations automatically creates this column for all editable grids.
  • If you want the read-only grid to display only values that users enter in the grid for this object instance (for example, this project), select the Filter by Parent ID check box and enter the value for the Table Key Column of the editable grid in the Parent Id Column Name field for the read-only grid.

    Otherwise, the read-only grid displays all of the values that are entered in the editable grid in all objects.

The attributes that the read-only grid contains must be exact matches of attributes that the editable grid contains. You can accomplish this requirement in one of three ways.

  • Copy the form that contains the editable grid. You must delete the grid component for the editable grid, create a component for the read-only grid, and drag the grid attributes onto the new component. However, you do not have to re-create the grid attributes.
  • Use shared attributes when you create the editable grid so that the attributes can be imported into the Form Editor when you create the read-only grid.
  • Re-create the attributes in the Form Editor when you create the read-only grid. The attribute properties must match the original attributes exactly.
Note: The one exception is that read-only grids cannot contain Single Select Object Reference or Multi Select Object Reference attributes. If the editable grid contains attributes of these types, you must replace them with Single List Object Reference attributes. See Attribute types list.