Creating a form

You can create a form from the Form Definitions page.


  1. Click Settings > Marketing Operations Settings.
  2. Under Other Options, click Template Configuration.
  3. Under Template Components, click Forms.
  4. On the Form Definitions page, click Create New Form.
    The Form Editor interface displays. For more information about working with this interface, see Form Editor interface.
  5. Complete the Form Properties tab and click Save Changes.

    The Add an Element tab displays.

  6. To use previously defined shared attributes on this form, click Import Shared Attributes then select them in the Custom Attributes list.
  7. To add a local attribute to this form only, click Create a New Custom Attribute.
  8. Drag the elements and attributes that you want in the form from the Add an Element tab and drop them onto the form design area.
  9. Click Save and Exit to save the form and return to the Form Definitions page.