Adobe markup on the Apple Macintosh

There are special considerations for using Adobe markup in HCLMarketing Operations with a Macintosh operating system.

The following behavior applies to users that work in with Adobe™ Acrobat markup on Macintosh operating system, in the Safari browser.

  • You must have Adobe Acrobat Standard or Professional 11.
  • You must configure Acrobat as follows, when Acrobat is opened on its own, not through the browser.
    • Navigate to Acrobat > Preferences > Internet and clear Display in Read Mode by default.
    • Install the latest version of Safari and completely remove the old version of Safari. When the installation is complete, launch Safari. Then navigate to Safari > Preferences > Security and click Website Settings for Internet plug-ins. Under When visting other Websites in the drop-down list and choose Allow Always. Click Done. This allows Adobe Reader for websites.
    • Navigate to Security and uncheck Block pop-up windows.
  • HCLMarketing Operations tags comments with the Macintosh login name of the approver, which can be different from the Marketing Operations user name.
  • If you use Notes®, Text Annotations, or other Acrobat markup functions where text is entered, after you mark up a page of the item to be approved, you must click outside the text field (outside the Notes text field, for example) before you click Send Comments. If you do not do this, the Macintosh does not send the text portion of the markup back to the server, and the field appears empty when a user opens it in Acrobat.
  • The stamp tool always displays the name of the user currently viewing the markup, not the name of the user who did the markup.
  • Each time that you open a PDF, a blank Safari window opens.
  • When you use the markup capabilities within Marketing Operations with the Safari browser, temporary internet files are stored on the Macintosh desktop.

If you want to view the PDF in an Acrobat screen, perform one of the following actions:

  • To open the current document in an Acrobat screen, right-click (hold the CTRL key down while you click the mouse (if you use a one-button mouse) on the PDF and choose Open with Acrobat 11 Professional.
  • To always open PDFs in an Acrobat screen, run the following command in Terminal:
    $> defaults write WebKitOmitPDFSupport-bool YES