Installation prerequisites for the Integration Report Package

Before you can install the HCLMarketing Operations and HCLCampaign Integration Report Package, the following configuration steps must be completed.

  • Reporting must be set up for HCL Campaign and HCL Marketing Platform. See the HCLReports Installation and Configuration Guide.
  • Reporting must be set up for HCLMarketing Operations. See "Installing reports" in the HCLMarketing Operations Installation Guide.
  • The integration of Marketing Operations and Campaign must be complete.

Additionally, for the sample reports from the Integration Report Package to work correctly, the following conditions must be met.

  • The Campaign system must have the standard custom Campaign attributes loaded.
  • The Marketing Operations system must have the sample templates loaded: most importantly, the sample Campaign Project template. Additionally, the Campaign Project template must use the corresponding sample Campaign Project metric file.
  • The Financial Management module must be enabled on the Marketing Operations system.

When these prerequisites are met, continue with the installation procedure.