Marking a budget version "in-use"

The active or finalized budget version of a plan, program, or project is the "in-use" version. HCLMarketing Operations rolls this version down to linked child objects and up to linked parent objects.

Before you begin

Note: To create, edit, delete, update, and mark in-use, you must have the security permissions "edit budget tab."

About this task

When you work with budget versions, note the following restrictions:

  • Only one version can be active or finalized at a time.
  • The default budget version is active and in-use for new plans, programs, and projects.
  • After you finalize a version, you can no longer activate versions.
  • After you finalize a version, you can finalize a different version, but you cannot remove the finalized status from all versions. After you finalize one version, one version from that fiscal year must always have the finalized state.
Note: When you upgrade to a new version of HCLMarketing Operations, the previous budget is automatically finalized.


  1. Navigate to the version you want to activate or finalize by clicking its name in the versions (Protractor, ruler, and pencil image) drop-down list. The name of the currently selected version appears in red on the drop-down list.
  2. Click Make Current Version Active or Finalize Current Version from the versions drop-down list.

    The version is marked active or finalized and is in-use. On the drop-down list, the in-use version is marked with "^" before the name.