Managing projectCorporate Campaign members


  1. Navigate to the People tab of the project.Corporate Campaign.
  2. Click the Edit Member/Role Settings icon (User with pencil image).

    The Select Team Members dialog box opens.

  3. Do one of the following.
    1. To add a person or team, select the name from the left pane of the dialog, and click >>.
    2. To remove a person or team, select the name in the Select Team Members list box and click <<.
    3. To change the role for a person or team, select the name in the Select Team Members list box then clickUp and Down to move it to the required role.
      Note: You cannot remove a user or team assigned to a task.
  4. Click Save Changes.

    The Select Team Members dialog box closes. The People tab becomes the active window.


The changes that you make are reflected in the list of people and roles. For example, if you added a creative lead, the screen would contain a line similar to the following.

Member/Access Level        Role             Email Address
P Picasso (participant)    Creative Lead