Procedure: Fast upgrade Interact

Before you begin

Pre-requisites to upgrade from Interact 8.6.x/later version to Interact 11.x:


  1. Ensure that Platform and Campaign are upgraded successfully on the target setup. Install Interact 11.x on the setup.
  2. Deploying interactRT.war on the target system is not required.
  3. Take a Backup for source system Databases InteractDT, InteractRT,Interact Learning, Interact prod
  4. Make sure that the Interact related files in Campaign's 'partition' folder are copied from the source system to the target system.
  5. Create data sources on the target WAS server and point to the new database schema. You can use the same JNDI names as those in the source system to save effort in doing manual changes.

Upgrading Interact DT

The steps underneath are not applicable if you are upgrading from 11.0 to the 11.0.1 version.


  1. Update with the values required for upgrade. For details on the environment variables in the file, refer to the Interact Upgrade guide.
    1. Navigate to the path: <Interact_Home>/interactDT/tools/upgrade/10.1+to11.0/Set the following variables in the file:

      set  JAVA_HOME='<Installation Path >/jre'.

      set JDBCDRIVER_CP=Actual location of the databasedriver along with database driver

      For example: set JDBCDRIVER_CP=/opt/IBM/FastUpgrade11/ojdbc7.jar

      set JDBCDRIVER_CLASS=Datasase driver

      set JDBCDRIVER_URL=Database url 

      Change the Log file Name and location if required

      Navigate to <Interact_Home>\interactDT\tools\upgrade\conf

      edit file  and change the Value of CHOICES_FOR_PREVIOUS_VERSIONS=10.1.0 to CHOICES_FOR_PREVIOUS_VERSIONS=8.6.x or other base version you are upgrading from

  2. Pre-requisite to complete before running the Interact upgrade tool:Update the file under:1. <Installation_Home>\install\2. <Interact_Home>\interactDT\tools\upgrade\conf The “  file must  contain the correct JDBC URL, Platform system database userID and encrypted password.If this information is incorrect, then the Interact upgrade tool will fail with database authentication related errors.
  3. Execute Interact “�?. This Upgrade tool execution is similar to the usual acUpgradeToolexecution of Campaign.
  4. While executing the upgrade tool you are prompted for database details. Enter the Interact DesignTime Database details.
  5. The tool will also prompt for “select base version to upgrade". You will able to see the upgrade version specified for CHOICES_FOR_PREVIOUS_VERSIONS. Select the fast upgrade base version to upgrade from.
  6. Once the upgrade tool execution completes, check the related logs to ensure that no errors were encountered during the upgrade tool execution.

Upgrading Interact RT, Interact learning and Interact Production databases

The steps underneath are not applicable if you are upgrading from 11.0 to the 11.0.1 version.


  1. Update with required values for Interact upgrade. For details on the environment variables in the file, refer to the Interact Upgrade guide.
    1. Navigate to Path: <Interact_Home>/tools/upgrade/10.1+to11.0/Set the following variables in the file:

      set JAVA_HOME='<Installation Path >/jre'

      set JDBCDRIVER_CP=Actual location of the database driver along with database driver

      ex: set JDBCDRIVER_CP=/opt/IBM/FastUpgrade11/ojdbc7.jar

      set JDBCDRIVER_CLASS=Datasase driver

      set JDBCDRIVER_URL=Database url

      The database URL can be the same in DB2 and Oracle if you are using the same DB with different schemas.

      In case you need to update the database URL for the SQLServer, update the respective DB before executing the upgrade tool.

      Change the log file name and location if required.

    2. Navigate to <Interact_Home>\tools\upgrade\conf  edit file and change the  value of CHOICES_FOR_PREVIOUS_VERSIONS=10.1.0 to CHOICES_FOR_PREVIOUS_VERSIONS=8.6.x or other base version you are upgrading from.
    3. Repeat the above change for the,, files at the above mentioned path.
  2. Pre-requisite to complete before running the Interact upgrade tool: Update the file under:1. <Installation_Home>\install\2. <Interact_Home>\interactDT\tools\upgrade\confThe “�? file must contain the correct JDBC URL, Platform system database userID and encrypted password.If this information is incorrect, the Interact upgrade tool will fail with database authentication related errors.
  3. Execute Interact “aciUpgradeTool_crhtab .sh/bat�? . This Upgrade tool execution is similar to the usual aciUpgradeTool.
    1. While executing the upgrade tool you are prompted for database details. Please mention the details of the Interact DesignTime Database. The tool will also prompt for “select base version to upgrade�?. You will see the upgrade version specified with CHOICES_FOR_PREVIOUS_VERSIONS= . Select the fast upgrade base version you are upgrading from.
    2. Once the upgradetool execution completes, check the related logs and ensure that no errors were encountered during the upgrade tool execution.
  4. Execute Interact “�?. This Upgrade tool execution is similar to the usual aciUpgradeTool.
    1. While executing the upgrade tool you are prompted for database details. Enter the Interact RunTime Database details.The tool will also prompt for “select base version to upgrade�?, you can see the upgrade version specified in CHOICES_FOR_PREVIOUS_VERSIONS. Select the fast upgrade base version you are upgrading from.
    2. Once the upgradetool execute completes, check the related logs and ensure that no errors were encountered during the upgrade tool execution.
  5. Execute Interact “aciUpgradeTool_lrntab .sh/bat�?. This Upgrade tool execution is similar to the usual aciUpgradeTool.
    1. While executing the upgrade tool you are prompted for database details. Enter the Interact Learning Database details.The tool will also prompt for “select base version to upgrade�?. You can see the upgrade version specified with CHOICES_FOR_PREVIOUS_VERSIONS. Select the fast upgrade base version to upgrade from.
    2. Once the upgradetool execution completes, check the related logs and ensure that errors were not encountered during the upgrade tool execution.
  6. Execute Interact “�?. This Upgrade tool execution is similar to the usual aciUpgradeTool.
    1. During the execution of the upgrade tool, you are prompted for database details. Enter the Interact Production/prod Database details.The tool will also prompt for “select base version to upgrade�?. You can see the upgrade version specified with CHOICES_FOR_PREVIOUS_VERSIONS.Select the fast upgrade base version to upgrade from.
    2. Once the upgradetool execution completes, check the related logs and ensure no errors were encountered during the upgrade tool execution.

Post Upgrade


  1. Interact version registration:
    1. Execute the following command on the source 8.6 environment: Navigate to the PLATFORM_HOME/tools/bin directory. Execute the command: ./ -x -p "Affinium|Interact|about" -f Interact_about.xml
    2. Update the product name fro 'IBM Unica Interact' to 'IBM Interact' in the 'Interact_about.xml"' file.
    3. Copy the exported output on the 11.0.1 - Destination system under the PLATFORM_HOME/tools/bin directory.
    4. Modify the version information in "Interact_about.xml" file referring to the Interact version in version.txt.For example:<property id="1211" name="releaseNumber" type="string_property" width="40"><value><Build number as per version.txt></value></property>
    5. Execute the following command on the destination 11.0.1 environment: ./ -v -o -i -p "Affinium|Interact" -f Interact_about.xml
    6. For the Interact sub component version, execute the following command on the destination 11.0.1 environment:Navigate to the PLATFORM_HOME/tools/bin directory.Execute command: ./ -i -p "Affinium|Campaign|about|components " -f interact_subcomponent_version.xml –o
  2. You need to remove the old Interact navigation and add a new one. Please execute the following commands on the destination 11.0.1 environment:Remove old menu:configTool.bat -d -p "Affinium|suite|uiNavigation|mainMenu|Campaign|Interactive Channels" -oAdd the new menu:configTool -i -p "Affinium|suite|uiNavigation|mainMenu" -f"full_path_to_Interact_RT_installation_directory\conf\interact_navigation.xml"
  3. Update the configuration instanceURLs accordingly for your ServerGroup defined at Affinium|Campaign|partitions|partition1|Interact|serverGroups
  4. Deploy Interact RT WAR file

The second Interact runtime


  1. Repeat the following steps for each Interact runtime if you have used a different server group and Platform.
  2. Install New Platform 11.0.1 with Interact RT.
  3. Perform the Platform upgrade and make the setup ready. (Refer the Platform Upgrade Guide.)
  4. Copy and restore the InteractRT database from the source to the target.
  5. Upgrade the database from 8.6 to 11.0.1 by running the aciupgrade utility for RT.
  6. Create data sources on the target WAS server using the same JNDI names as the source 8.6 setup.
  7. Deploy InteractRT.war.


CFS updates: If the customer is using SOAP, then generate the proxy code based on the new WSDL and rebuild the CFS code using the new proxy.


After Upgrade, it is observed that a Configuration Node sessionManagement is displayed under:Affinium|interact|Removal of this configuration can be done using the Platform tool.After upgrade, it is observed that configuration Node treatmentStore is displayed under:Affinium|Interact|services|contactHist|Removal of this configuration can be done using the Platform tool