Adding and removing program areas

Program areas are subsections of plans, allowing programs that are linked to the plan to be arranged into logical subgroups. In HCL® Marketing Operations, administrators create the program areas.

Before you begin

Important: Before you remove a program area, you must first remove any programs that are assigned to it.

About this task

To add or remove a program area, complete the following steps.


  1. Follow the steps for adding a plan until the step where you add a program area.
  2. Click Add/Remove Program Areas under the Program Areas field.
  3. To add a program area, select a program area from the Available Program Areas field and click the right-pointing arrows to add the program area to the Selected Program Areas field.

    When you add a program area to the Selected Program Areas field, it populates the Program Areas field on the plan Summary tab.

  4. To remove a program area, select a program area in the Selected Program Areas field and click the left-pointing arrows to remove it.