Importing a form

You can import a form in either an XML file or compressed form archive file.


  1. Click Settings > Marketing Operations Settings.
  2. In the Other Options section, click Template Configuration.
  3. Click Forms.
  4. Click Import Form.
    The Import Form dialog opens.
  5. Select one of these options:
    1. To import a single form XML file, select File.
    2. To import a compressed form archive file, select Form Archive.
  6. If you are importing a single XML form file, enter a name for the form.

    Use only alphanumeric characters, the space character, and the underscore character in the form name.

    If you are importing a form archive, Marketing Operations takes the form name from the archive.

  7. Browse to the file you want to import.
  8. If you are importing a compressed form archive file, select Drop Lookup Tables, Create/Update Lookup Tables, or both.
  9. Click Continue.