Form Editor interface

The Form Editor displays when you create or edit a form and consists of a form design area on the left and a set of tabs on the right.

The form design area displays the current contents of the form. You supply information for the form and its attributes with the controls on the tabs on the right: you can add elements to the form by clicking and dragging.

For more information, see Creating a form.

There are two tabs on the right. The Form Properties tab contains the following fields.

Table 1. Form Editor interface: the Form Properties tab
Field Description
Form Name The name of the form for use in HCL® Marketing Operations.
Database Table

The name of the database table that stores the answers that users enter in the form fields.

The maximum number of characters that are allowed for the Database Table field depend on the database that is used for HCL Marketing Operations.
  • For Oracle database - maximum 30 characters.
  • For SQL database - maximum 128 characters.
  • For DB2 database - maximum 128 characters.
Note: You cannot use the same database table for both a form and a grid within that form.
Form Description A description of the form. This text displays below the form name on the Form Descriptions page.

The Add an Element tab contains two list boxes:

  • The General Elements list box contains form elements, such as a group header to identify a related set of attributes.
  • The Custom Attributes list box contains a list of the different attributes available for use on the form.

The tab also contains the following links.

Table 2. Form Editor interface: links on the Add an Element tab
Link Description
Create a New Custom Attribute Click to open the Create a New Custom Attribute dialog, where you can create a local attribute.
Create New Grid Click to open the Create a Grid dialog, where you can create an editable or read-only grid.
Delete Selected Attribute Click to delete the attribute that is selected in the Custom Attributes list box.
Import Shared Attributes Click to open a dialog where you can select previously defined and enabled shared attributes to import for use in this form.
Create/Edit Form Attribute Rules Click to open the Rule Builder... dialog, where you can define rules for hiding and making visible attributes and attribute groups. For information about configuring attribute rules, see Marking attributes and attribute groups visible based on other attributes.

After you create local attributes or import shared attributes, you can add them to the form. To add an element or an attribute to the form, you click it and then drag it into the form design area, directly below a group header.

After you add an element or attribute to the form, you click it to view or edit its settings. When you click a form element or attribute, a dialog opens with the current values, covering the tabs on the right. The dialog contains an Edit link so that you can specify how the selected group header or attribute is implemented on this form. For more information, see Edit Attribute Group dialog or Attributes reference.