The sysmodules.xml file

The <MarketingOperations_Home>/conf/<locale>/sysmodules.xml file defines the labels that display in the user interface for standard marketing object types.

This file contains sections for module elements and item elements.

  • The module elements define how the marketing object type displays on menus in Marketing Operations.
  • The item elements define singular and plural versions of the object type name for other uses in Marketing Operations.

For each of the standard marketing object types, the sysmodules.xml file includes one module element and two item elements. For example, the en_US/sysmodules.xml file includes the following values for projects:

<module id="projects">
     <description>Projects Module</description> 
<item id="project">Project</item>
<item id="projects">Projects</item>

To change the labels that display on menus and pages, one of the files that you edit is the sysmodules.xml file for your default locale. For example, to change "projects" to "promotions" throughout the user interface, you edit the value of the <display> element for the module, and the values for both of the <item> elements for projects.

<module id="projects">
     <description>Projects Module</description> 
<item id="project">Promotion</item>
<item id="projects">Promotions</item>

You also edit the sysmodules.xml file if you want to add a menu item that links to a URL. See Adding a menu item that links to a URL.

To apply changes you make in the sysmodules.xml file to the Marketing Operations user interface, you must restart the server and synchronize menus with Marketing Platform.

Note: The default locale for your organization is set during installation. To verify this setting, click Settings > Configuration > Marketing Operations and review the defaultLocale configuration property.

When you create a custom marketing object type, Marketing Operations automatically adds a module element and the singular and plural item elements for it to the sysmodules.xml file. For more information, see Marketing object types.