Approval dates

When you create an approval from a workflow task, the approval must include a Target Due Date.

Note the following behavior about the Forecast/Actual and Target dates for the approval:

  • If the task contains a date in either the Target End Date or Forecast/Actual End Date field, the system automatically copies the date into the Target Due Date for the approval.
  • If you modify the date in the Target Due Date field, the Forecast/Actual End Date in the corresponding workflow approval task is updated with the new date.

Note the following methods that HCL® Marketing Operations uses to calculate duration when the project owner enters the start and end dates for an approval from a workflow task.

  • If the duration is less than what is specified in the approval for each approver, an equal amount of time is deducted from each required approver.
  • If the duration is more than what is specified in the approval for each approver, an equal amount of time is added to each required approver.
  • When an approver responds, the duration for that approver is not adjusted. The durations for the remaining approvers are adjusted if possible or an error message displays.
  • If for any reason the duration for an approver cannot be adjusted automatically, an error message displays requesting different values.
  • The Forecast/Actual Duration field in the workflow is overwritten with the sum of approver durations if the duration for an approver is changed and saved.
  • Marketing Operations automatically calculates the approval start date if the Forecast/Actual duration and Forecast/Actual end date are changed.