Find and replace task members or reviewers

You can replace any member or reviewer with any other current member of the project. To replace with someone not on the project list, you first need to add that person to the project. This requirement applies only to owner-assigned task members and reviewers. To remove a member or reviewer that is assigned by an administrator when a template was created, you must go to the approval and remove them. You can only remove the memeber or reviewer if you have the proper permissions.

To open the Find and Replace Task Members or Find and Replace Task Reviewers page, click Find and Replace > Find and Replace Task Members or Find and Replace > Find and Replace Task Reviewers.

The following table describes some uses for the search and replace feature.

Table 1. Search and replace use cases
Goal Select Replace with
Switch specific resources: replace a user, in a specific role, with another user for all tasks in the project. task member/reviewer = Karen

role = Project Manager

Connie Contact
Switch specific users: replace a user, anywhere on the project, regardless of role. task member/reviewer = Karen

role = Any Role

Mary Manager
Add a backup to a role: add another person to a role, as a backup or extra resource. task member/reviewer = Karen

role = Project Manager

Connie Contact
Assign tasks to a role: newly assign a user to tasks, by role. task member/reviewer = Any User

role = Project Manager

Mary Manager
Note: To delegate tasks to another user temporarily, each user can define Out of Office settings. For more information, see Defining out of office settings.

The components tools help you refine your search.

  • Filters: Filter the search by role, task member, or a date range.
  • Preview and Update search Buttons: Preview and update the search.
  • Search results: Displays tasks that meet the search criteria. Use it as a preview of the tasks that change if you click Update All Occurrences.


Use the top-most fields in the Find and Replace Task Members/Reviewers dialog to filter the results. You can search by role, task member, or project date ranges.

Table 2. Filters on the Find and Replace Task Members/Reviewers dialog
Field Description
Task member or reviewer is Select the name of the member to replace.

The list contains all team members and reviewers on the project. It also contains a choice for "any user", which is the default.

Role is Select the role of the task member to replace.

The list contains all roles in the project, and also contains a choice for "any role", which is the default.

Date Constraint Check this box to search by using a date range. If selected, you can choose the following information.
  • Type of task: supply the type of date to search, either forecast or target, in the for tasks box.
  • Range: choose dates for the search range.
Status Select the status on which to filter. You can choose Pending/NotStarted, Active/In progress, or both.
Replace with/Add this task member Select one of the radio buttons, depending on whether to replace or add members/reviewers. Then, enter the person that you want to fill the selected role on the tasks in the search results.


Table 3. Buttons on the Find and Replace Task Members/Reviewers dialog
Button Description
Find All Occurrences Preview search results. You can view the list of tasks that meet your search criteria in the Search Results area of the page.
Update All Occurrences Update members, after you confirm that the list of tasks is correct. As a best practice, click Find All Occurrences before you start the update.
Cancel Close the page without any changes.