Configuring the integration with Workflow Service

Before you can use the Advanced Workflow capabilities, you must configure the integration of Marketing Operations with Workflow Service.

Before you begin

Complete the following prerequisites before you configure the integration of Marketing Operations with Workflow Services:


To register the Marketing Operations instance with the Workflow Service, complete the following steps:
  1. Go to Settings > Marketing Operations Settings > Workflow Service Integration.
  2. Enter the Client Organization ID. The Client Organization ID must be unique, numeric, and can have a maximum of eight digits. You can use your IBM Customer Number as the Client Organization ID.
  3. Enter the Client Application Name. This is the name of the Marketing Operations instance that you are registering. For example, DEV, SAT, UAT, PROD and so on.
  4. Enter the Customer Name, Contact Person, and Email Address.
  5. Click Submit.


When the Marketing Operations instance is registered successfully, an Account ID is created. This Account ID is used for any communications regrading the Workflow Service.
The registration page also displays the following information:
  • The current status of the integration of Marketing Operations with Workflow Service.
  • The current status for the Workflow Service Polling scheduler.
  • The current status of the communication between Marketing Operations with Workflow Service.
Note: If required, you can edit the contact information fields for Customer Name, Contact Person, and Email Address after registration is completed.

What to do next

You must restart the Marketing Operations web application.