Where to install Marketing Operations and the Marketing Platform

The following diagram provides a brief overview of where to install Marketing Operations. It illustrates the most basic functional installation.

You may require a more complex, disparate installation to meet your security and performance requirements.

Report installations, Marketing Platform tables, and Marketing Operations tables separate

Marketing Operations: For best performance, install Marketing Operations on its own machine, where no other HCL® Marketing Software products are installed, or on a machine that it shares with only the Marketing Platform.

The Marketing Operations system tables should be on a separate machine.

Marketing Operations reports package: The reports package for Marketing Operations contains the IBM Cognos® package only. (Other applications also have reporting schemas to configure, but Marketing Operations does not.) Install the reports package on the IBM Cognos system.

Marketing Platform: The Marketing Platform application contains the HCL common navigation, reporting, user administration, security, scheduling, and configuration management features. For each HCL Marketing Software environment, you must install and deploy the Marketing Platform once.