Non-work time

You can set days on which no work is typically done by employees as non-work time in HCL® Marketing Operations. Marketing Operations supports a set of system-wide non-work time, which is separated into user-defined types.

For example, assume that you have the following non-work dates set in Marketing Operations.

Table 1. Non-work time example categories and dates
Category Dates
Corporate Holiday 1/1/2015, 7/4/2015, 12/25/2015
State Holiday 4/15/2015, 10/3/2015
Corporate Off-site 8/15/2015

After you define non-work time, you can elect whether to schedule work on these days, for each project and its tasks.

If the active time for a task includes any non-work time, its end date is pushed out by an extra day for each of these dates. For example, assume 7/4/2015 is defined as non-work time. If Task 1.3 is scheduled to start on 7/3/2015, and has a duration of three days, its end date is 7/7/2015. Work is not scheduled for 7/4, since it is defined as non-work time.

For any task, you can choose to ignore the non-work time; if so, the workflow includes any non-work time as normal work days. So, if you choose to ignore non-work time for Task 1.3, its end date becomes 7/6/2015.