Changing the access level for a project member

You might want to change the security access level and permissions for project members. While all HCL® Marketing Operations objects have access levels, it is useful to change access levels for projects only.

About this task

Note the following behavior:

  • The list of people in the Folders section of the Change Member Participation Level page is populated from HCL Marketing Platform. This list of people might be limited based on your role and permissions. For details, consult your HCL Marketing Operations administrator or the HCL Marketing Platform Administration Guide.

    The list of teams is based on the teams that are defined in Marketing Operations. As with the list of people, the teams you can view might be limited based on your role and permissions.

  • You can also use the Change Member Participation Level link to add users to the project. They are added with the selected access level and placed by default into the Unassigned role.
  • Access levels are associated with objects and cannot be created or removed. For example, approvals always have two access levels: owner and approver.


  1. Go to the People tab of the project.
  2. Click the Change Member Participation Level icon (User with three check boxes image).

    This icon is not available unless you have the appropriate permission. Typically, project owners and HCL Marketing Operations administrators have this permission, but it can be assigned differently depending upon the security policy for the project.

    The Change Member Participation Level page appears.

  3. In the Selected Team Members list box, select the member who has an access level to change.
  4. Use the Up or Down controls to move the member to the new access level.
  5. Repeat Steps 3-4 as necessary.
  6. Click Save Changes.


The Change Member Participation Level dialog box closes, and your changes are applied. The People tab becomes the active window.