Entering planned values for metrics that roll up

You can incorporate your goals and performance expectations for your marketing campaign into HCL® Marketing Operations by entering planned values for metrics that roll up. The planned values display side-by-side with the actual values at the end of the campaign.

About this task

When you enter planned values for metrics, you work top-down. You open a plan and specify planned values for the metrics for each of its child programs. You then open a program and add planned values for the metrics for each of its child projects.


  1. Open a plan or program that has child programs or projects with rollup metrics.
  2. Click the Tracking tab.
  3. Click the Planned Rollups icon (Page with rows and pencil image).

    The Edit Planned Rollup Values page is displayed.

  4. Enter the planned values for the metrics.
  5. Click Save and Finish.


The values that you entered display in the Planned column of the Program Metrics or Project Metrics table on the Tracking tab.